Make Sure Your Will Is Legally Binding And Meets Your Specific State Requirements | Felinton Elder Law Estate Planning Asset Protection
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Make Sure Your Will Is Legally Binding And Meets Your Specific State Requirements

Unlike anything that we’ve seen in our lifetimes, the COVID19 pandemic is causing people of every age to suddenly realize their mortality. As a result, there has been a steep increase in the immediate demand for wills as well as estate plans.

Initially it was thought that only people over 50 and in particular those with pre-existing health issues were susceptible to intense symptoms and death. However, as the virus has been spreading there have been new discoveries. One of the most revealing is that it seems to be causing strokes in younger, seemingly healthy adults.

The important point is that no one of any age is immune to this virus. I’ve read about young children who have died from this virus as well as hale and hearty men under the age of 40. According to CNN, “The new coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill.”

Following the established protocols and taking great caution when you have to go out for food and other supplies along with self-quarantining is integral, yet there are no guarantees. Getting your desires down in a legally-binding will and/or estate plan is without question, more important than ever.

My firm is available to create wills, estate plans and trusts that are legally-binding and state specific. There may be online forms, however, if your online will is not what your state requires, then you won’t have documents that will hold up in court. Every state has separate requirements. Give us a call. Of course we all hope for the very best. And in the best of circumstances, having a will in place is always a good idea.