PR: Pet Trusts | Felinton Elder Law Estate Planning Asset Protection
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Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers Founder, Mindy Felinton Entertains Readers With Real Life Pet Trust Stories Validating The Desire To Leave Pets Cared For

Elder Care Attorney, Mindy Felinton writes about the popularity and acceptance of pet trusts and gives some wild examples of fortunes bestowed on beloved pets by some very wealthy and well-known pet lovers.

Delray Beach, FL November 25, 2019: Mindy Felinton, founder of Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers, has posted a new article on her law firm’s website entitled “Pet Trusts Redefine Chicken Scratch, Monkey Business And Going To The Dogs.” Ms. Felinton takes a lighthearted approach to the topic of pet trusts, though, clearly she is a proponent and is eager to help clients create trusts that will be properly executed.

Felinton states, “I wrote about pet trusts in this month’s blog. (See: Protecting Furry And Feathered Family Members Is Now Mainstream)  Now,” she adds, “I’m going to give you some examples of animals truly enriched by their owner’s generosity. Their owners prepared pet trusts that designated large sums of money go toward their care and upkeep. (Of course the people in charge of the animal’s care are also enriched.) In all cases, the trusts were not followed to the T, though none of the animals were left destitute, not by any stretch of the imagination.”

“Our animals are often better companions than other humans,” Felinton writes. She continues, “It’s no surprise then, that many people are now requesting a pet trust be drawn up. I’m sharing some famous examples for entertainment value as well as to validate any notion you may have about making sure your beloved pet is cared for upon and after your demise.”

Among the examples Felinton cites are Leona Helmsley, Michael Jackson and the world’s richest chicken named Gigoo. Felinton shows that pet trusts can be “passed generationally,” and that one’s intentions are not always clearly stated.

The entire article can be read at

About Mindy Felinton

From a young age, Mindy wanted to be the voice that would make an impact in people’s lives. She became an attorney and has practiced law for over 30 years, so that she could fulfill her desire to help others. As a special prosecutor, Mindy defended the underdog (literally) in cases of animal abuse. As a state attorney in Florida she fought for justice. During the last 25 years, Mindy met many wonderful people who did not know their rights, did not understand the law, and did not know what options were available.

Mindy assists families with Medicaid planning to help with the cost of nursing home care and with obtaining veteran’s benefits to make the cost of care more manageable.   She also prepares wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and medical directives.  Mindy is passionate about educating both other professionals and the public concerning VA Aid & Attendance benefits, Medicaid benefits,  and the use of trusts for the protection of assets.  She shares her experience and professional knowledge through free workshops, and as a frequent lecturer at State Bar Conferences.